Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Field Trip

Hello 2B Families!

I am checking in to give some information regarding our upcoming field trip. Students and teachers alike are thrilled about this event. There are several exhibits at the Arizona Science Center that will give our scholars a hand-on experience to enrich their knowledge of several Science units covered this year, as well as last!  Please carefully read through the notes below:

1. Field Trip Payment
If you have not already done so, please use the link to pay for your child’s field trip. This payment also acts as a permission slip.  Students without a permission slip/payment will have to remain at school for the day. Please check your child’s agenda, I have placed a note on the bottom if we have not yet received your permission slip, per the latest list from the front office.

2. Student Lunch and Snack
All students are required to bring a bag lunch to school for this trip. We will be eating outside at the breezeway for our lunch and we do not wish to lose any nice lunch boxes or water bottles. Your students lunch should include the following:
i.      Well rounded bag lunch, clearly labeled with your student’s name and section.
Ex:Valerie Frizzle, 2C
ii.      Disposable water bottle, clearly labeled with your student’s name and section. Ex:George Feeny, 2C
iii.      Separate snack in a plastic bag, clearly labeled with your student’s name and section. Ex:John Kimble, 2C

3. Student Uniforms
Students are required to wear their tidy school uniforms on this field trip. Please ensure that your    student is wearing their most comfortable tennis shoes, we will be doing a lot of walking.

4. Odds and Ends
Please ensure your child is at school by 8:00 a.m. and has eaten a hearty breakfast since lunch is not until 11 a.m.  We ask that students do not bring any money on this field trip. We will not be allowing any purchases from the gift shop or concession stands.  Finally, students do not need to bring their backpacks to school on this day as we will not be unpacking or assigning homework for that evening.