Friday, May 10, 2019

Quarter 4 Week 9

Hello 2B Families,
First, a very heartfelt thank you to 2B community for making teacher appreciation week so special. All of the kind words and generosity shown to Ms. Bachman and I this week was appreciated more than we know how to say. 
1.     We will spend time in class editing insect report rough drafts. Students will be sent home with their edited rough draft along with the paper for their final draft and resources next week.
2.     There will be no Spalding, Fluency or Comprehension for the remaining weeks to make room for end of year testing and activities.
Important Dates
1.     Friday, May 17th: Final Insect Report due
1.     Final Draft
2.     Resource Page
3.     Visual Aid
2.     Wednesday, May 22nd: Insect Museum 
A Look in the Classroom
1.     ELA: In Writing we will be working on peer edits in preparation for the final draft of our insect report. We'll continue discussing possessive nouns in Grammar. Our Harriet Tubman recitation will be on Monday, May 13th. 
2.     History: We will conclude our Civil Rights Leaders unit. The study guide will be completed in class and sent home on Monday 5/13. We will take the test Thursday 5/16.
3.     Science: We will conclude our Insects unit. The study guide will be completed in class and sent home Monday 5/13. We will take the test Tuesday, 5/14.
4.     Math: We are spending class time review the concepts we have covered in class this year.
1.     Tuesday, May 14th: Science; Insect Unit
2.     Thursday, May 16th: History: Civil Rights Leaders


Mrs. Bowers 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Summer Practice Material

Dear 2B Families,

For those of you interested here is a link to purchase summer practice books for Singapore Math.  We recommend you purchase the level three book in preparation for third grade if you are interested!


Mrs. Bowers

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Quarter 4 Week 7

Dear 2B Families,

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!  It is hard to believe that we are approaching the last month of school.  Thank you all for your support throughout this year full of change!  The scholars had a wonderful time on the field trip-thank you so much to all of our fantastic volunteers; they kept our kids safe and helped them have an awesome day!


Mrs. Bowers

Important Dates
  1. Friday, May 3rd: Part 4 of Insect Report due
  2. Friday, May 17th: Final Insect Report due
  1. MAP Testing is Monday and Tuesday of next week. Please make sure your student gets a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast the night before.
  2. As of May 1st, all second grade classwork and homework will be done in cursive.
A Look in the Classroom
  1. ELA: We will complete our final drafts about persuasive writing. We will build upon our knowledge of contractions and interjections. We are also introducing contractions.
  2. History: Scholars will continue their discussion on Civil Rights leaders by reading about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and Caesar Chavez.
  3. Science: Students will learn about social insects. We will also be doing an insect anatomy lab involving mounted insects!
  4. Math: We will be beginning our Geometry unit, we will discuss 3D and 2D figures. We will also construct 3D mini-monsters.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Quarter 4 Week 6

Dear 2B Families,

Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful weekend with your families!  We enjoyed hosting my parents and grandma this weekend and enjoyed the pool weather together. :)  Looking forward to seeing some of you and all our scholars for our field trip tomorrow!


Mrs. Bowers 

Important Dates

1..     Tuesday, April 23: 2nd Grade field trip to Arizona Science Center
2.     Friday, April 26th: Part 3 of Insect Report due
3.     Friday, May 17th: Final Insect Report due
1.     Due to the short week and field trip, we will not have fluency or comprehension practice. In lieu of this, we are asking scholars to do 20 minutes of reading. We will also not have Spalding words, we will utilize this time to review phonograms and cursive writing.
A Look in the Classroom
1.     ELA: We will be editing our paragraphs about environmental issues. We will also be discussing root words and interjections. 
2.     History: We will start our final unit of the year: Civil Rights Leaders. We will be discussing Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Jr. and many others.
3.     Science: We will continue our insect unit by constructing a paper insects and labeling body parts.
4.     Math: We are continuing our unit on graphing. We will be talking about line plots, there will be an assessment on Friday.
1.     Friday: Spelling Test and Math Test: Graphs

Monday, April 15, 2019

Quarter 4 Week 5

Hello Parents!
Here we are approaching the middle of the final quarter. ðŸ˜Š This week has been a great deal of fun as we have collaborated on our persuasive writing, done some in-class research for our insect report, and my personal favorite, met new friends that have just arrived!
Important Dates
1.     Saturday, April 13th: Lincoln Family Picnic on Lincoln Field from 11:30 - 2:00. Hope to see you there!
2.     Friday, April 19th: Part 2 of Insect Report due
3.     Monday, April 22nd: No School; Spring Holiday
4.     Tuesday, April 23: 2nd Grade field trip to Arizona Science Center
5.     Friday, May 17th: Final Insect Report due
A Look in the Classroom
1.     ELA: We're starting our last poem of the year, Harriet Tubman, recitation will be on May 13th. In Grammar we will continue to enjoy exploration of conjunctions, parsing sentences with them, keep an ear out at home for the classic, Conjunction Junction! We will keep using our dictionaries in class and continue our collaborative persuasive writing project.
2.     History: We will be ending our Immigration and Citizenship unit with a lesson discussing how to become a citizen of our country. Will review in class and have our unit assessment on Friday.
3.     Science: We will review our Life Cycle Unit in class on Monday, having the assessment on Tuesday. Later in the week, we will be starting our Insect unit by discussing insect life cycle, and metamorphosis.
4.     Math: This week we will be wrapping up our short unit on time.  Scholars will take an assessment on this unit on Wednesday.  We will begin our next unit, graphing, on Thursday.  We will cover picture graphs and bar graphs this week. 

1.     Tuesday: Science Test; Life Cycle Unit
2.     Friday: Spelling Test and History Test: Immigration and Citizenship